No you can come in for an estimate whenever it is convenient for you. Check our home page for our office hours.

We will put you in touch and walk you through what needs to be done.

You pay your deductible after you have inspected your car and become one of Chelsea Auto’s many happy customers.

As long as the check is made out only to you, it can be endorsed with your signature and given to Chelsea Auto.
If the check is made out to you and the finance company, the car MUST be repaired first. We will then give you a picture of the car to show that the car was repaired, and an itemized bill. All these items have to be mailed to the finance company for their endorsement.

Chelsea Auto does not hesitate to put a member of our own family in any car we repair!
Chelsea Auto will never repair a car that will not be safe to drive or cannot be repaired properly.

The average repair takes about three to four days.

No. Due to the many factors in the process of estimating a damage vehicle, we cannot give a quote over the phone.

Bring your car in so we can start the documentation portion of the estimate. Most of the time, your insurance company will have already sent us all your information before you come in. Once the estimate is complete, we will give you an appointment when to bring your car back for the repairs. If you drive your car in and we determine it is not safe to drive, you can leave it the day you come in. If your vehicle is not drivable, we will tow it in.
In the case where your car is at another yard, we will pay the charges so that you will not have to pay them yourself. We will then tow your vehicle back to Chelsea Auto and start the estimating process.

No, we do not charge for estimates.

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